Gods and Monsters - Chapter 1 - lydiasgrace (2025)

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Gods and Monsters - Chapter 1 - lydiasgrace (1)

A/n: Spotify playlist for this story - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1rZg3GMoiiFUXhmaYGlXo0


"It's a girl!"

"What are those markings around her face?"

"Is she alright, what's wrong with my baby?"

"She's completely healthy, I don't understand what the markings are...Birthmarks, they must be birthmarks."

"What shall we name her Astrid?"

"(Y/n)," Astrid said surely, gently running her hand over the back marks outlining her daughter's face, "(Y/n) Carrdottir."

Everyone in the room froze as the baby suddenly stopped her quiet cries, becoming silent. Her eyes opened. The marks outlining her face glowed a bright red for a few seconds, before turning to black.

"What is wrong with our daughter?" Carr asked, not believing that the marks on her face were birthmarks anymore.

"She will be gifted in magic," Astrid decided, "The birthmarks, the glowing, that's what they mean. That's what they have to mean."


"They're glowing again Carr," Astrid said tiredly, slowly rocking the newborn in her arms, "They've been doing this since yesterday, by Odin, she was born yesterday! What is going on with our baby?"

"We'll find someone to ask," Carr looked at his sleeping daughter.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Carr looked at the door of their home, walking to open it. A man in a mainly gold outfit and large horned gold helmet stood at the threshold, patiently waiting for someone to answer. Carr immediately knew who the man was, his glowing eyes said everything.

"Heimdall," he muttered, "What brings you to a commoners home?"

"I have seen visions," Heimdall looked at the sleeping child in Astrid's arms, "Of your child, (Y/n). The markings on her face, they glow, correct? They are not birthmarks. She is meant for greatness. I have come to take her to the palace, where we can prepare her for that."

"You want to take our daughter away from us?" Astrid questioned.

"King Odin, has requested that she be taken to the palace. She needs her parents, of course, through her childhood. You are to come to the palace as well. Arguing will not help, as her future, must be secured."

"What could be so special about (Y/n)? Why was she given these markings?"

"(Y/n), is destined to possess the Reality Stone."


"Loki, Thor, you two are in so much trouble," (Y/n) yelled, running up to the two princes, "You ripped my favorite book."

"Forgive me (Y/n)," Loki bowed his head, "That was not my intention."

(Y/n) turned to Thor, waiting for his apology.

"Apologies, Lady (Y/n)," Thor grumbled.

"Good," (Y/n) smiled victoriously, "One of you is going to rule Asgard, being humble and knowing when to apologize is a start."

"And you are going to hold an infinity stone," Thor wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s small ten year old shoulders, much to Loki's disliking, "All of us, are destined for greatness."

(Y/n) subconsciously looked at Loki, smiling, "Of course, all of us are destined for great things."


"How much are these?" (Y/n) asked, picking up two books from the market stall she was looking at.

"Five each."

(Y/n) nodded, reaching into her satchel and pulling out the money the woman had asked for, she handed it to her and took the two books. As she turned away from the stall she reached up and pulled her cape hood a bit farther over her face.

It was always calming, being able to go into Asgard without having people whispering or bowing. She wasn't royal, far from it. But Asgard knew of the girl destined to own the most powerful infinity stone.

(Y/n) left the crowded streets of Asgard and began her walk back to the palace. When she felt she was far enough away from the people she pulled down her hood. The guards at the gate opened them for her with nods.

She unbuckled her cape and draped it over her arm. Instead of entering the palace she walked to the gardens. Her fingers touched a few of her favorite flowers. Her destination was a beautiful tree towards the back. It was like a Midgardian Willow Tree, but it had different colored flowers instead of leaves.

"You went out to the market again didn't you?"

(Y/n) jumped, turning to the owner of the voice.

"I wanted some new books, I got one for you actually," she handed him one of the two books she had bought, "I know you like Midgardian culture."

Loki smiled slightly. (Y/n) turned around and finished her walk to the Flower Willow, sitting down near the trunk. Loki looked at her, silent, before sitting down next to her.

"Thank you," Loki mumbled.

(Y/n) smiled, setting down her satchel and cape. She looked over at Loki. (Y/n) had always held a flame for the Asgardian Prince. While Thor was always considered the 'better', Loki was the better in (Y/n)'s mind. He knew magic, studied, and thought through situations instead of depending on brute strength. He was always a gentleman, and, in more ways than one, was a prince. Not to mention he was very attractive.

"Of course Loki."

(Y/n) quickly looked away from Loki and down at her book, regretting putting her hair up that morning, there was now nothing to hide the blush on her cheeks. Loki took notice, smirking. He reached over and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, bringing it up to his lips.

"You, are a goddess in my eyes, and I pray you see what I see in yours."

(Y/n) smiled slightly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She looked up at Loki, getting lost in eyes that resembled emeralds. Loki put his other hand up to (Y/n)'s cheek, rubbing his thumb over it.

"Can I kiss you?" Loki asked quietly, (Y/n) smiled, nodding.

Loki leaned in closer to (Y/n). His lips brushed against hers slightly, before he pushed his lips against hers fully. To both of them, there was an attraction, something lasting. Something that was hard to find when you were immortal, true, unshifting love.


(Y/n) hummed a mindless tune as she picked golden apples, placing them in a small basket at her side. Once the basket was full she began to walk back to the palace, taking the path she took to get there.

"Golden apples?"

(Y/n) smiled, turning to the figure that had appeared next to her.

"Yes, well golden apple pie was my parents favorite dessert. I thought I would bake some and bring it to their graves," (Y/n) smiled sadly, remembering the day her parents died.

Her Father died from a long time illness that affected the lungs. Her Mother, with all the stress, suffered from what the Midgardians called a heart attack. They died within a week of each other.

(Y/n) destroyed the training room after her Mother died. She just needed to expel her emotions. The intensity of her feelings, the loss of control, was something she knew she could never allow to happen again. Because a wave of emotions that large would send her powers out of control when she held her Infinity Stone.

"That's very kind of you," Loki smiled, walking along with her, "May I see them with you?"

"Of course, they were always fond of you."

(Y/n) walked through the forest to a vast meadow full of colorful flowers. There, two grand stones engraved with gold resided. Loki and (Y/n) sat near the graves, disturbing the flowers around them with their weight.

(Y/n) took out the apples and several other plain baking ingredients. She waved her hand and in place of the ingredients stood two gold apple pies.

"I know you always loved gold apple pie," (Y/n)'s voice wavered, "Odin says I will receive the stone within the year. If you were here, would you be proud of me? Would you-"

(Y/n)'s voice broke. She turned to Loki, placing her head on his shoulder. Loki slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

"They would be proud darling, we all are."


"Good morning," Loki greeted cheerfully as (Y/n) opened her eyes.

"Morning darling," she smiled.

"Today, is a day off of training and learning," Loki grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, trying to pull her out of bed, "Our day is going to be wonderful."

(Y/n) chuckled, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"And where are we going today?"

"To the lake of course," Loki said as if the answer was obvious, "Thor is off with the Warriors Three and Sif today so we have the lake to ourselves."

"Yes, the lake does sound lovely," (Y/n) hummed.

(Y/n) walked to her wardrobe, finding her bathing suit and a slip to go over it.

"If you go gather some food for the lake I'll meet you in the garden," (Y/n) offered.

Loki nodded, leaving the room promptly. (Y/n) set the outfit on the bed, rubbing her eyes as she walked to the bathroom.

After finishing her normal routine in there she walked back to the main room, changing into the outfit she had set out. When she was leaving the room she nearly ran into Frigga, startling the both of them.

"Oh, dear, I was just coming to see you," Frigga smiled, "I've been speaking with you," Frigga looped her arm through (Y/n)'s and began to lead her down the hallway, "The maids have been fretting over the design for the dress you will wear to Thor's coronation."

"Oh it's nothing to fret over," (Y/n) scoffed, "If you would allow me I would be wearing my armor."

Frigga smiled. Perhaps, for any other person, they would be frightened to lose their life for the informal and sarcastic way they were talking to the Queen of Asgard, but (Y/n) was practically raised as another one of Frigga's children, so any need for formalities was gone.

"It's a special occasion and I wish you'd look nice," Frigga stated.

The two were now standing in front of the door that led to the garden. Frigga pulled (Y/n) in for a hug, confusing the girl.

"You are like a daughter to me (Y/n), you will do great things. That is why you must wear a dress."

(Y/n) chuckled, putting her hand on the handle, "Something red, in honor of Thor then. Loki and I shall return later, good day."

(Y/n) stepped from the palace into the garden, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air. She spotted Loki patiently waiting under the Flower Willow, a basket on his arm.

"You look like Red Riders Hide," (Y/n) giggled as she approached.

"Red Riding Hood darling," Loki chuckled, "Not Red Riders Hide."

"I'm sorry but that was one Midgardian story I never listened to when we were children," (Y/n) stated as the two began to walk down the path to the lake, "Much to...everywhere for me."

Loki nodded in agreement. The two continued to walk in silence until they reached the lake. A glimmering blue surface that sparkled with the colors of the rainbow when the sun hit it at the right angle.

Loki set down the basket he was holding, snapping his fingers to make a blanket appear below the two. (Y/n) pulled off her slip, happily running into the warm water.

"Come on Loki," (Y/n) teasingly splashed a bit of water towards Loki.

Loki rolled his eyes, stepping into the lake. (Y/n) could feel the water around them drop in temperature as he entered. It was something (Y/n) had grown accustomed to while knowing Loki, though neither of them knew why it happened.

(Y/n) spread out her arms and fell backwards into the water, fully submerging under the water as she did so. Jumping back up once she was fully under she hit Loki with her wet hair, making him sgh in mock frustration.

(Y/n) grinned, wrapping her arms around Loki's neck and pulling him under as well.

The two stayed in the water together until their fingers began to prune. They may have been considered gods, but that didn't mean their bodies weren't able to do little mortal things.

The two wrapped towels around themselves and sat down in the grass, enjoying some of the food they had brought with them.

(Y/n) reached into the basket and noticed a small box. Curiosity getting the best of her she reached inside and took it out.

"What's this?" She asked Loki.

"You weren't supposed to see that," Loki gently took the box from (Y/n)'s hands, "I should have found a better place for it."

"What is it?"

Loki opened the box and (Y/n)'s eyes widened seeing what was inside. A beautiful, simple ring with two diamonds and an emerald. (Y/n) knew what this was. She had been dreaming of receiving one since she was a little girl.

Gods and Monsters - Chapter 1 - lydiasgrace (2)

"A ring of promise," (Y/n) whispered.

Rings of promise were similar to that of engagement rings on Asgard. They showed true love until parting of death.

"I know I'm not strong like my brother, and I don't look much like him either, but I can promise you that as long as both of us live, I shall look after you and love you like no other. And in Valhalla, I will love you still."

(Y/n) grinned, basically jumping on Loki as she showered his face in kisses.

"If you were just like Thor I wouldn't have kept you around this long," (Y/n) smirked teasingly.

"You accept then?"

"Yes, Loki, I accept."

Gods and Monsters - Chapter 1 - lydiasgrace (2025)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.